Are you interested in joining St. Nicholas Rifle & Pistol Club?
Please note that all applications for membership include a non-refundable £30 application fee.
There are two ways of becoming a member, depending on if you hold a valid Firearms Certificate (FAC) covering weapons that can be shot on our ranges.
Do you hold a valid FAC?
Visit the Club and bring along your shooting kit and your FAC.
Ask for the duty Range Officer (RO) upon your arrival.
Sign in to the visitors book.
Pay the RO a £3 'visitors fee'.
You can now join in the shooting details and 'try us out'.
You can 'visit' a maximum of three times as a non-member.
If you want to join, request a membership application form is sent to you.
Complete the membership application form when it arrives.
Return the fully completed membership application form and the £30 application fee to the Club for processing.
The Membership Secretary will issue you with a Probationary Member card and will discuss Range Safety and other training courses as appropriate.
The normal 6-month probationary period for new members holding a valid FAC, may be waived or reduced at Committee discretion.
The Committee reserve the right to refuse membership without giving any reason.
Membership is OPEN TO ALL (FAC holders and non-holders)
The current full adult membership fee is £150. Full senior membership is available, as is full Junior membership, both at a reduced fee.
A further reduction of the full membership fee can be obtained by members taking part in 'work parties'. These take place several times a year and cover activities such as maintenance of firing points and butts, target frames and target huts, cutting back branches and shrubs, removing dead tree limbs, painting and general repair work. If you have a specialist skill that would benefit the Club, please let the Chief Range Officer know.
Currently members can claim up to a £30 reduction on their membership fee for their attendance at work parties.
For all membership enquiries please contact