25yd indoor range
Inside the main building on the premises is the 25yd indoor range. Smaller than the other ranges, it has just five firing points. As well as traditional smallbore prone rifle at 25 yards, there is light sports rifle. At 10 metres there is air pistol shooting, both precision and timed. This range is currently being rebuilt, with new butts, new air pistol layout and an up to date ventilation system.
25yd range
Located behind the 50m stop butt at the back of the property, is the outdoor 25yd range with it's 12 covered firing points. Used for smallbore prone rifle, light sports rifle, gallery rifle and black powder pistol shooting. This range is our 'Short Siberia'.
50m range
On the far left hand side of the Club premises, is the 50m range. Used primarily for smallbore prone rifle and field target shooting, this range has 18 covered firing points. The left-hand side of the 50m range, is bordered by mature trees up to 15-18m tall. The 2m tall trees along the right-hand side of the range seen in the photograph below, mark the border with the 100yd range.
Just behind the range is the 'target hut'. This provides (most importantly) tea and coffee, biscuits (sometimes doughnuts!), targets, target frames, competition score sheets and the members 'postal competition' cards. There is also the prone rifle shooters 'prep hut', providing shelter for shooters when the weather turns bad.
100yd range
Between the 50m range and the Club House, is the 100yd range. Used primarily for small-bore prone rifle, the range has 18 covered firing points. The right-hand side of the 100yd range, is overshadowed by a Poplar tree up to 30-35m tall. Half way down on the left hand side you can see the stop butt of the 50m range. Behind that is the outdoor 25yd range. The target frames for this range are stored in a hut at the bottom of the range on the right hand side.
The range has since changed slightly sine the photograph below was taken - the bottom right hand side between the end of the white indoor range building and the 100yd butts, is now screened by a seven foot high wooden fence. This has altered the prevailing wind pattern across the range.
Shot paper targets that cannot be reused, are recycled via the Bromley Council paper recycling scheme
Brass cases from the smallbore rifle shooting are collected and sent for recycling via a local scrap metal dealer
Lead bullets from all shooting are collected and then either melted down and recast by members, or are sent for recycling via a local scrap metal dealer
We also reduce our utility dependancy by having our own water well
Range Officers
The Club ranges being open is fully dependent upon the availability of a Duty Range Officer. If members do not volunteer to become Range Officers, then the Club cannot open for shooting! Please see the Chief Range Officer if you wish to offer your services as a Range Officer.
The Club will pay the course fee for you to obtain an N.S.R.A. Range Conducting Officer qualification.